2025 Camp Handbook
Act One Theatre Camp
at the Glendale Community College
1500 N Verdugo Rd
Glendale, CA 91208
Camp Director: Joshua Evans
Camp Phone
(818) 749-0103
Camp Email
Table of Contents
What Should I Not to Bring to Camp?
Lost, Stolen, and/or Broken Items
Welcome to the Act One Theater Camp! We're excited to offer a fun, dynamic, and entertaining theatre experience for children and teens on the campus of the Glendale Community College in Glendale, California. Our camp is staffed by energetic theater industry professionals, with years and years of experience working with kids. All students will enjoy the opportunity to spend each and every day working on the fundamentals of theatre including acting, singing, dance, and so much more! Watch their creativity come to life within a camp day that runs from 9am-2pm, with bonus extended hours available for early drop-off and/or late pick-up. And be sure not to miss our end-of-session Big Show, a free spectacular variety show where the students perform imaginative scenes, songs, and dances on the main stage.
Please take a moment to read through this informative Summer Camp Handbook, where we hope to answer all your questions about the basics of how our camp operates. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please feel free to Contact Us.
2025 Camp Dates
Session One: June 9 – June 27
Final Performance on Friday, June 27th at 4:00pm
*NO CAMP on June 19th (Juneteenth)
Session Two: June 30 – July 18
Final Performance on Friday, July 18th at 4:00pm
*NO CAMP on July 4th (Independence Day)
Session Three: July 21 – August 8
Final Performance on Friday, August 8th at 4:00pm
Camp Hours
Regular Camp Hours: 9:00a – 2:00p
Early Drop-Off (Wrap Party): 8:00a – 9:00a
Late Pick-Up (Wrap Party): 2:00p – 5:00p
Our extended hours, Wrap Party, are available for an additional $300/child/session, or on a day-to-day basis of $15/hour.
Every student must be signed in on a daily basis by an adult. The doors for the camp will open at 8:00a for the morning Wrap Party (early drop-off), and 8:30a for regular camp hours. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to make sure that the student is properly checked in. If a student is not checked in, we will not make any attempts to contact the family to try and “track them down”, and will assume that they have been kept out of camp for that day for various reasons.
Camp begins at 9:00a, and all attempts should be made to ensure that campers are there on time. Tardiness affects the camper's success in their classes, and has a ripple effect on the other students in their group. Excessive or multiple tardiness or absences may prohibit a camper from performing in the Final Performance, due to their lack of knowledge and preparation of the material.
Sign-Out Policy
All campers need to be physically signed out by an adult, whether they are picked up within the regular camp hours, or are part of the afternoon Wrap Party (late pick-up). Students are not allowed to sign themselves out. This means that an adult needs to enter the building to pick up their student; they will not be sent outside to a waiting car.
The regular camp day ends at 2:00p. If your camper is not signed up for the afternoon Wrap Party (late pick-up), then they will need to be picked up no later than 2:15p. After 2:15p, a Late Fee of $15 per hour will apply for non- Wrap Party campers. This Late Fee is due when you come to pick up your camper, and can be paid in cash or Venmo. At 2:30, we will begin to call families that are late in order find out their arrival status.
Wrap Party ends at 5:00p. Our teachers need to get home to work on a mountain of camp work: writing scripts, creating choreography, video editing, prop construction, etc. Please be respectful of their time and hard work, and plan on picking up your camper by 5:00p at the latest. After 5:00p, a Late Fee of $15 per 15 minutes will apply. This Late Fee is due when you come to pick up your camper, and can be paid in cash or Venmo.
Lunch & Snack
Act One Theatre Camp does not provide lunch and/or snack to our campers. Parents need to send their students to camp every day with a lunch and snack. Snack Time takes place in the morning, well before lunch. Campers will not be allowed to leave the camp to purchase food, either on or off the college campus. This means that during the regular camp day (and Wrap Party!) they will not be allowed to purchase food or snacks from any vending machines, or to travel to the on-campus Starbucks to purchase anything. Refrigerators and microwaves are not available to students, so please pack food accordingly. It can be extremely helpful if the snack food and lunch food is packed and/or labeled separately. Additionally, if your camper is signed up for the afternoon Wrap Party, it might be a good idea to pack an additional snack. It can be a long day for these kids... so make sure that they have enough food for the whole day!
If you choose to pack any type of nut products for their snack and/or lunch, please be aware that your camper may be required to sit in a separate nut area to eat this food because of other campers' allergies.
Both snack and lunch will be eaten outside unless weather conditions force us inside.
Non-Prescription Medication: Students are allowed to bring non-prescription medication to camp only if a signed note from the parents is given to Camp Director Joshua Evans. This note should describe the dosage and frequency the medicine is to be taken. Once we have this note on file, the student is allowed to carry the non-prescription medicine on their person, and they will take on the responsibility of taking this medicine at the proper dosage and time.
Prescription Medication: All prescription medicine must be labeled and kept in the Camp Office. Detailed instructions from the parents describing dosage and frequency are required, and are to be kept with the medicine at all times. Students must travel to the Camp Office to take this medicine, under the supervision of our staff.
For All Medication: It is ultimately the student's responsibility to know when and how much medication they should take, and Act One Theatre Camp is not responsible for administering proper doses at proper times. This includes, but is not limited to, all prescription medication, non-prescription medicine, and any inhalers.
Campers will be placed in groups on the first day of camp. These groups will be determined based upon age and/or grade. We try to avoid tears!! So if your student really really really wants to be in a group with their friend(s), let us know beforehand! There is a spot on the Online Registration to note this, or you can Contact Us. Most groups have a cap of 15 students, but can fluctuate based upon enrollment.
Dress-Up Days
The first two Fridays, and the last Thursday of each session will be Dress-up Days! Based upon the theme of the session, Dress-Up Days will be announced at the beginning of each week. Students are encouraged (but not required) to come to camp in costume and join in on the fun! Please make sure that campers are still able to perform for their various classes (dancing, on-camera, etc.) in their costumes, or that they can easily change out of them.
The Final Performance
At the end of every three week session, we will offer a Final Performance for all the campers to participate in. This performance is free to the public, and all friends and family are invited to attend!
Much of what is taught and rehearsed on a daily basis at camp is geared towards this final performance. Because of this, it's very important that your camper miss as little class/camp time as possible. If excessive tardiness and/or absences become too much, students will run the risk of not being able to participate in the Final Performance due to their lack of knowledge or preparation of the performance's material.
The Final Performance will be at the end of the camp day on the final Friday of the session. Campers will not go home once they are dropped off in the morning until after this final performance. On this Friday, all campers stay late, and nobody is charged extra for it.
A professional videographer will be on hand to record the show. Order forms will be emailed out to families, as we get closer to the Final Performance. In the lobby on show day, there will be an option to purchase an order for a digital copy of the recording to be emailed to you. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the recording to be edited and emailed to you.
What Should I Wear to Camp?
Wear clothing that they'll feel comfortable moving around in. Whether it be dancing on stage, or rolling around on the ground in improv class, our campers move! We also work on an elevated stage, so any dresses worn should have shorts underneath. And please, nothing too revealing.
Closed-toe shoes and socks are required. Flip flops, backless sandals, high heels, and boots are dangerous for students to wear at our camp.
What Should I Bring to Camp?
-A sack Lunch
-An additional Snack
-Scripts and/or Song Lyrics (once they're provided by the teachers)
-Shoes to dance and move around in
-A good attitude, and a desire to have fun!
What Should I Not Bring to Camp?
-Cell Phones
-Anything Valuable (laptops, iPads/tablets, jewelry, etc.)
Act One Theatre Camp understands that many of our campers have their own phone. And although they won't need them during camp at all (our camp phone is always available), we know that it's a losing battle to try to ban cell phones. Act One Theatre Camp and Glendale Community College are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or broken phones, and students understand that they bring their phone (and other personal belongings) to camp at their own risk.
Camper cell phone rules:
-Phones are not allowed to be used during classes.
-All phones must be turned off, set to vibrate, or on silent during all classes.
-No inappropriate images or content will be viewed on their phones.
-At any time, a teacher may confiscate a phone from a student for any reason. The confiscated phone will be held in the camp office, and will be returned to the student when they are picked up at the end of the day.
Lost, Stolen, and/or Broken Items
Act One Theatre Camp and Glendale Community College are not responsible for any lost, stolen, and/or broken items brought to camp. All personal belongings (including lunches, extra clothing, water bottles, etc.) should be labeled with the camper's full name. At the end of each day, any items that have been left behind will be collected and stored in the camp office in our Lost & Found. Items will be held in the Lost & Found for the duration of the session, but will be donated one week after that session's Final Performance. Help us to avoid any accidents by leaving expensive or valuable items at home!
Entrance & Parking
Daily parking for drop-off and pick-up of students is available in two locations: the City of Glendale paid parking lot on Verdugo Road, opposite of the campus (Lot 32), or in the large parking structure on campus, off of Mountain Avenue (Lot C).
If parking in the City of Glendale paid lot (Lot 32), parents and campers will walk over the pedestrian bridge to the gain access to the Glendale Community College. Parents will be responsible for paying for their own parking, as no parking passes exist for this lot.
If parking in the college's large parking structure (Lot C), parents will take the clock tower elevator down to gain access to the campus. Before the session begins, parents will be emailed a temporary parking pass for this lot, which will give them 15 minutes of free parking. This pass needs to be displayed on the car's dash, and will grant permission for parking on any level of the structure.
We will meet everyone in the Mod Theatre where we will gather all the campers for the beginning of each day (including early drop-off). This area is also where we will conduct pick-up for both the regular camp day, and the Wrap Party (extended care).
Street parking is also available, but is extremely limited (please be sure to read all signs!). We have two campus maps available here: Map #1 & Map #2.
Parent Emails
We will be using the parent emails that you provided on your Registration to inform you of up-to-date camp news throughout the session. This will be 99% of our communication to you, and it's important that you receive it! If you'd like a different or additional email to be used, please let us know. And if you haven't received an email from us by the end of the first week of the session, then we have the wrong email for you, or our emails to you are being auto-filtered to your Spam Folder. Contact us immediately!
Every student wants to have a good time at summer camp. Help us to make this happen! Take a moment to make sure that your student understands the expectations that you, Act One Theatre Camp, and Glendale Community College have of them. Students may not share the same beliefs or opinions on a wide variety of topics, however they are required to be respectful of everyone's differences. Disrespectful behavior or comments are not welcome in our camp.
If problems arise, our staff will do all that we can to help address it in an appropriate and positive manner. This might include a camper having to be placed in a time-out for awhile, supervised by a teacher or intern. If continued warnings and/or actions become ineffective with offending campers, then contact with parents might be needed, with the possibility of expulsion from the camp. Refunds are not available for campers who are dismissed from camp due to discipline issues.
Immediate dismissal can occur for the following reasons: causing physical harm to a teacher or camper, fighting (verbal or physical), disruptive or threatening behavior (in-person, online, or via text messages), bullying (in-person, online, or via text messages), leaving the Glendale Community College campus without supervision, bringing any kind of weapon, being in possession or under the influence of any illegal drugs or alcohol, or theft or damage to any personal, camp, or campus property. Refunds will not be available for any camper who is immediately dismissed due to these issues.
Credit Card Charges
All credit card charges and receipts for Act One Theatre Camp will show as a charge to "Wix" (our website host), or "Act One Theatre Camp". If you have any questions about your credit card charges, you can contact our Camp Director, Joshua Evans.
Refund Policy
If you decide to remove your camper from Act One Theatre Camp before their session begins, we can offer a refund for the amount paid, minus the Non-Refundable Deposit. (see below).
If you decide to remove your camper from Act One Theatre Camp within the first three (3) days of camp, a prorated refund will be issued to you, based upon your registration paid and the number of days passed, regardless of the student's attendance during those first three days. This prorated refund will also be minus the Non-Refundable Deposit. (see below).
No refunds are available after the first three (3) days.
No refunds are available for any camper dismissed due to misconduct or discipline issues.
Any refund issued is minus the Non-Refundable Deposit. This deposit covers the fees incurred from our booking service, as well as administrative costs. The Non-Refundable Fee is $50 for a Session enrollment, and $25 for a Wrap Party enrollment.
Act One Theatre Camp will not issue a full refund, under any circumstances.
By registering your child for Act One Theatre Camp, you understand and agree to this Refund Policy, and you will not be able to complete your camper's registration unless you agree to this Policy.
Disclosure and Release Forms
Parents, Guardians, and/or Campers are required to inform Camp Director Joshua Evans of any and all physical or behavioral accommodations that may be required for that camper, so that we can help them to have the best camp experience possible. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to ensure that this information is fully received by the Camp Director.
By registering their child with Act One Theatre Camp, Parents and Guardians hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Act One Theatre Camp, Skewed Evans Productions, Glendale Community College and all their officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives whatsoever from any and all losses, claim, damages, liabilities, cost and expense (including, but not limited to attorney's fees) which they, or any of them, or student/camper may sustain or incur in any way arising out of or in conjunction with the student's/camper's participation in any Act One Theatre Camp activities. It is also understood that such conditions and terms also relate to acts of nature.
Upon registering your camper for Act One Theatre Camp, a Video & Image Release and a Liability Release will need to be signed by a parent or guardian and submitted to our office. Campers will not be allowed to participate in Act One Theatre Camp until we have these signed documents. Signed forms should be emailed to info@actonetheatrecamp.com.
Contact Us
(818) 749-0103
Act One